

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

We're fine :)

Hi Jane and anyone else who's reading!

Everything's fine here thank you. 

I'm just being quiet at the moment, always busy but not feeling very chatty. 

I'm hoping to be back soon.

 You can always email me Jane, I'd love to hear from you xx

Mandy x


  1. Nice to read you are okay Mandy, I look everyday for news from you.
    Hazel c uk

    1. Oh Hazel that's so sweet of you! I will definitely make more of an effort now for you xx

  2. Hi Mandy, I have tried the email but its saying that there's a problem so I have followed by email, unsure if this gives you my email address or not, novice at this stuff :-)
    I too have not had much to say lately and have even had a couple of private messages on a green living site I read to ask if I was Ok as id not posted in a while, I am still reading all the blogs every day saved in my favourites list and keeping up with what everyones up to. I also check in every day to see if there are any new postings as I love to hear what you have been up to, especially the cooking and baking.
    We have had a few frugal months due to OH's company not giving out annual bonus' this year which we were relying on to pay for our holiday so have had to watch every penny to make sure we could afford to pay it off in time (which we eventually did). OH has managed to get all the overtime in he could for the last few months so we are now completely sorted even with the spending money. We go 3 weeks on Saturday for 10 days.
    I will try to figure out why it wont let me email you, hopefully its just something to do with the settings.
    take care love jane xx

    1. Hi Jane, my email address is...

      I don't have yours.

      I'm sure you'll enjoy your holiday even more after having to work so hard to get it paid off. I think we appreciate things far more that way.

      I'll have a look at my settings.

      Lovely to hear from you xxx
